Litter "F" was born on 01. December 2018 out of: Int. Ch Angel Marko App-Gee & JCh Pegie
Parents are health tested:
Int Ch Angel Marko App-Gee "MAXA"
Full and correct bite
HD-A ED-0 BAER +/+
DISH and spondy - CLEAR
PRA-prcd - N/N
Jch Pegie "PEGIE"
Scissar bite
HD-A ED-0 BAER +/+
DISH and spondy - CLEAR
PRA- prcd N/A
Fox Mulder Von Der Drachenwiese - living in Germany
Enjoying with his family and practicing dog dancing
BAER +/+
Male- LEXI aka ZOWIE
Fidel Castro Von Der Drachenwiese - lived in The Netherlands
Sadly, Lexi/ Zowie left this world on 04th May 2020 and started living as an angel in haven. Will be always in our hearts and never forgotten.
BAER +/+
Female - LUPI
Feechi Von Der Drachenwiese - living in Croatia
Enjoying with her family
BAER +/+
Female - MOYA
Faith Von Der Drachenwiese - living in Serbia
Will start with dog shows soon
BAER +/+
Fanya Von Der Drachenwiese - living in US, California
Enjoying with her family
BAER +/+
Female - JARRAH
Fedra Von Der Drachenwiese - living in Sweden
Enjoying with her family and has started showing in Sweden. Very promising 1
BAER +/+